Can:Do's Occupational Therapists help children engage in activities a child wants or needs to do in their daily lives like playing, learning, and taking care of themselves. They work on improving physical skills like moving around, using hands, and coordination by adjusting the task, and environment or developing new skills to participate in activities.
How can occupational therapy assist?
Depending on your child’s needs, our expert team of occupational therapists can provide a range of supports that can help with:
- Physical skills: fine motor skills (e.g. cutting, writing), gross motor skills (e.g. hopping, riding a bike), coordination
- Self-care: getting dressed, eating, using the bathroom
- Attention, behaviour, and sensory processing
- Play and social skills: having fun, being creative, making friends
- OTs work with the child, their family, teachers, and caregivers to make sure therapy is meaningful and helpful

We can provide support, so your child is able to better develop the skills needed to engage meaningfully in home, school, and life.
Signs your child may need occupational therapy
- Difficulty with fine motor skills, e.g. doing up buttons, holding a pencil, using scissors
- Difficulty with gross motor skills, e.g. balancing, walking up and down stairs
- Distracted easily and has difficulty maintaining attention
- Impulsive behaviour and/or overactivity
- Over or under-sensitivity to touch, sounds, smells or taste
- Lack of independence in daily tasks (including feeding and toileting)
- Delayed social and emotional development
- Difficulty with planning and organisational skills