Access to the right technology can make a real difference to a child’s life because it can increase opportunities to learn while developing independence skills. Can:Do's assistive technology specialists ensure your child is part of the process when looking at technology options.
The Can:Do 4Kids resource library has the latest in assistive technology for your child to try out to ensure it will support their goals.
Benefits of assistive technology support
- Assessment and recommendation of technology
- Equipment trials and loans
- Supporting community accessibility and self-advocacy
- Training in the use of technologies and programs like:
- Magnification, screen reader (OCR) and Braille
- Touch-typing
- Mainstream technologies with accessible features (e.g. iPhone with voiceover, large text, zoom), plus apps for a variety of tasks (e.g. Seeing AI, KNFB Reader, barcode readers)
- Soundfield systems
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