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Screening and Assessments

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Screening and assessments can help you better understand your child’s strengths and areas to work towards. Can:Do 4Kids qualified therapists use a combination of informal, observational and standardised assessments to gain accurate and useful information about your child

Developmental Screening Assessment (06 years of age)

  • Do you have concerns about your child's development? eg "why is my child not doing what others the same age are doing?"
  • Have preschool or childcare educators raised concerns about your child's development?
  • Do you have concerns about your child's readiness for school?

Can:Do 4Kids experienced Occupational Therapists can give an indication as to whether your child's skills are age appropriate or whether further investigation may be required through our affordable Developmental Screening Assessments. This is a broad developmental screening of your child's skills including gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, self-care (eg dressing), life skills, communication skills and interpersonal skills. The screening assessment will involve parent interview and the child to demonstrate their ability to complete small tasks.  

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Speech Pathology Screening Assessment (06 years of age)

  • Do you have concerns about your child's speech and language? eg "why is my child not doing what others the same age are doing?"
  • Have your child's educators raised concerns about your child's speech, language or literacy skills?

Can:Do 4Kids experienced Speech Pathologists can give an indication as to whether your child's skills are age appropriate or whether further investigation may be required through our affordable Speech Pathology Screening Assessments. This is a broad screening of your child's speech, language and early literacy skills. The screening assessment will involve parent interview and the child to answer questions based on pictures, stories etc. A hearing test is also available and recommended in conjunction with the Speech Pathology Screening Assessment, to screen hearing and examine outer and middle ear function.  

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Speech Pathology Assessment Packages 

Speech pathology assessment packages are *held onsite at Can:Do 4Kids Noarlunga* and are delivered by our qualified and experienced speech pathology team. 

All Can:Do 4Kids speech pathologists are certified members of Speech Pathology Australia.

Your assessment package may involve assessment of one or more of the following areas, depending on your child’s needs: speech (how your child says sounds and/or words); language (the use of words, sentences, or the understanding of these), literacy (reading and/or spelling), problem solving. 

Your assessment package will typically include the following:

  • Pre-assessment phone call with one of our qualified speech pathologists to determine the appropriate assessment and discuss any accommodations required to support your child to engage in the assessment.
  • Assessment of your child’s communication development over 2-3 sessions.
  • Assessment scoring and analysis (this will be completed as an indirect service – you and your child are not required to be present).
  • Comprehensive written report detailing the assessment outcomes, functional impact, general support strategies, clinical recommendations and funding recommendations

Other assessments can include 

  • Language (CELF-5, CELF-P2, PLS-5,LENA)
  • Speech (DEAP, Fisher Atkin, GFTA)
  • Audition (PEACH, FLIP)
  • Literacy and narratives
  • Goal-setting tools (Routines-Based Assessment/Interview)
  • Classroom and Room Acoustic Assessments
  • Fine motor (M-FUN, Beery VMI)
  • Gross motor (Movement ABC)
  • Sensory processing (Sensory Profile)
  • Activities of daily living/independence
  • Developmental checklists for a variety of areas
  • Functional Vision Observations
  • Mealtime, swallowing and oral-motor assessments
  • AAC recommendation assessments
  • Auditory processing disorder assessment
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