Screening and Assessments
Can:Do 4Kids screening and assessments can help you better understand your child’s strengths and areas to work towards.

Speech Pathology
Can:Do’s speech pathologists can work with your child to improve their communication skills, such as pronouncing sounds correctly, forming sentences,...

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists help children engage in activities a child wants or needs to do in their daily lives like playing,...

Listening & Spoken Language Program
Listening and spoken language programs – also known as auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) or auditory-oral therapy (AOT) – are types of...

Orientation & Mobility
Orientation and mobility (O&M) services are designed to help your child learn how to move around safely and confidently in...

Assistive Technology
Access to the right technology can make a real difference to a child’s life because it can increase opportunities to...