Tracey Stuart
Client Services Team Manager
Hi, I’m Tracey. My background is with vision impairment services. I’m a Developmental Educator and Orientation and Mobility Specialist by trade.
I’d always wanted to work at CD4K since graduating as an Orientation and Mobility Specialist over 30 years ago and in 2021 I finally joined.
At Can:Do 4 Kids my focus is supporting the Occupational Therapy Team and I have enjoyed sharing my vision and knowledge with the organisation, and love working amongst the energy and enthusiasm that comes with delivering services to children and young adults.
I had previously worked for Guide Dogs for 30 years and my main focus here was developing and providing vision related services such as Orientation and Mobility and Neurological Vision Loss service. I’d develop an ongoing support system of skill development for staff as clinical educator and acquisition including cadetships, traineeships, students on placement and undertook research projects with tertiary institutions and peak industry field leaders. I also provided many community based training sessions and university lectures on vision impairment.
Along the way, in all my roles, I ensure quality guidelines are met and best practice implemented.
After hours you’ll catch me playing games and relaxing with my family, enjoying the wonderful chaos that is the Stuart circus!